10 Tips for Preparing a Strong Winning Thesis Statement
Preparing a Winning Thesis Statement can be challenging, but if done correctly, it helps your paper stand out. It is the backbone of your essay and guides you in the research and writing process. Take time to understand the topic, your audience, and the essay goals to write a quality thesis statement introduction. Here is everything you need to know about winning thesis statements:
What is a thesis statement introduction?
A thesis statement introduction refers to the paragraph presenting an essay’s main argument or idea. It is the first paragraph of your essay and offers a preview of what is in your paper. The thesis paper introduction should be clear, arguable, and concise and be supported with facts and statistics in the body of your essay. An experienced thesis statement writer understands how to craft a simple and clear thesis statement for any essay.
10 Tips for Preparing a winning thesis statement
When writing your thesis statement, you must understand the topic, essay type, and audience. This ensures that your thesis statement is written in a way that aligns with your audience and essay goals. Here are more tips for preparing a winning thesis statement.
Understand Your Topic
The introductory paragraph with a thesis statement should demonstrate your understanding of the topic. It is daunting to write a thesis statement on a topic you have yet to learn about. Take time to research the topic and develop facts or statistics supporting a particular argument.
Limit Your Topic
Limit your topic to a particular area based on the length of your paper. A broad scope would result in a longer paper, while a short paper would support a narrow scope. Make sure that the scope of your topic supports your paper’s length.
Understand Your Essay Goal, format, and Your Target Audience
In most cases, your instructor selects your essay type and goal, but even if you select them, you must realize they greatly impact your thesis statement introduction. When your goal for writing is to convince your audience about a specific argument, your thesis statement must be persuasive and prove why the audience needs to support your argument.
Your Thesis Statement Should Match Your Paper Type
Different types of essays require varying approaches to writing your thesis statement. Identify the type of essay you are writing and ensure the thesis statement matches it. The three common types of papers and their thesis statement approach are indicated below:
- Argumentative: An argumentative thesis statement needs to set out the position you take in a given argument and outline some points from your essay
- Expository: These essays explain an idea to the audience. The thesis statement for such a paper should summarize key facts from your research.
- Analytical: The analytical essays focus on exploring an issue in depth. The thesis statement for such a paper involves summarizing the issue and your analysis.
Take a paper and write down every idea that comes to mind about your topic. Brainstorming helps you develop different ideas and allows you to identify themes or connections between the ideas. The ideas generated during the process help to shape your thesis statement introduction.
Start With a Question
To figure out your thesis statement, you need to identify the question related to your essay. For example, if your general topic is “vaccination”, possible research questions would be “Should vaccination for COVID-19 be voluntary or compulsory”? Or “Are there negative side effects of vaccination”? Having a question related to your topic makes it easy to determine a thesis statement for your paper.
Select a Position You Can Defend
Once you have a research question within your topic, identify a basic answer for it. This needs to be an idea that anyone reading your essay can either agree with or have a differing position.
An example of this would be “Vaccination for COVID-19 should be compulsory”. This becomes the thesis you will defend or expand on in your thesis statement introduction.
Summarize Your Key Arguments
A strong thesis statement should be concise and clear but detailed enough to demonstrate how you will answer your essay question. You need to include the key points of your argument in your thesis statement. A good thesis statement introduction example for this is here below:
“Vaccination for COVID-19 should be compulsory since research shows that it has saved many lives and has few negative side effects.”
Briefly State Your Thesis Statement
Regardless of its elements, a thesis statement should only be one or two sentences long. If possible, stick to writing a one-sentence long thesis statement as it is clear and concise. You can opt for two sentences if you are writing a long paper.
Briefly state your thesis statement to make your essay simple for the readers. Anyone reading your essay should understand your take or point of view on a particular issue.
Review Your Thesis Statement After Writing Your Paper
The thesis statement is written in the first paragraph, which is among the first things you write in your paper. Revisiting it once you complete your draft is worth it. This ensures that the content in your body paragraphs matches your thesis statement.
In case the thesis statement does not match your content, you can tweak it to match the content. You could also change your body paragraphs to match the thesis statement. Ensure the thesis statement introduction and body paragraphs are aligned to avoid confusing your readers.
Get Quality Writing Services Today
A winning thesis statement guides you to conduct extensive research on your topic. To write a quality thesis statement introduction, you need to understand your topic and take time to brainstorm ideas. Select a given position and support it with your key arguments. Anyone reading your essay should know your approach to the topic.
If you need help writing a winning thesis statement, you can seek the help of professionals. Essay writing services have experts with the experience to write quality thesis statements. At 911 Papers we craft a compelling thesis statement and write your essay per your guidelines. Contact us for quality essay writing services.